Our Belief We at SAMI Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) Limited, strongly believe that timely reporting of all safety information linked to our medicines/medicinal products plays a vital role in safer use of medicines for better patient care and outcome.

We firmly believe,

"Reporting Makes Medicines Safer!"
It's our moral and professional responsibility to continuously endeavor for patients safety linked to the use of our older or newer products.

We always stand by our commitment,

Our Objectives We are steadfast to improve patient care and safety in relation to safer use of medicine by embracing Good Pharma- covigilance practices. Our objective is to encourage and facili- tate suspected adverse effects reporting related to SAMI products to us and to the national authorities by healthcare profes- sionals, patients, parents and carers through effective communication.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)
on Drug Safety

What is ?

It is a SAMI Drug Safety/Pharmacovigilance program for collection, detection, assessment, monitoring, and prevention of adverse event/s from SAMI medicinal products once they are authorized to be placed in the market for patient’s use.

This program of SAMI Drug Safety works to encourage safer medicinal use by encouraging reporting of suspected adverse event/s related to any of our products including all unwanted effects or unknown benefits one may get after taking any medicine of SAMI.

This program of SAMI will assist, via continuous monitoring of drug’s safety, in building trust on overall safety & efficacy of all SAMI products and ultimately encourage safer medicinal use of SAMI quality products, benefiting Public Health.

This program is your partner for safer use of our medicines. Your valuable inputs would enable us to ensure our patients wellbeing.

What is Drug Safety or Pharmacovigilance?

Pharmacovigilance is the primary method used to identify hazards associated with medicinal products and with minimizing the risk of any harm that may come to patients.

It is based on the collection, detection, assessment, monitoring, and prevention of adverse event/s from medicinal products once they are in the market for patient’s use. These effects include any response that is noxious and unintended, including lack of efficacy (i.e. no therapeutic effect) with those products. Medication errors such as overdose, misuse and abuse of a medicinal product, and information on exposure to the product during pregnancy and breastfeeding, are also collected.

Pharmacovigilance is an important pillar in regulatory processes for medicines, pre-clinical, clinical monitoring and post-marketing surveillance thus ensuring the safety of pharmaceutical medicines.

What is an adverse event/adverse effect (AE)?

An adverse event is any unwanted medical occurrence in a patient who has been given a pharmaceutical product that may or may not have been caused by treatment with the product. This can be any unfavorable and unintended sign, symptom, or disease associated with the use of the product.

What is Drug Safety information?

Any information relating to human health and/or wellbeing arising following exposure of humans to SAMI products come under Drug Safety Information. For further details, please see adverse event (AE).

Why should adverse event be reported?

Globally, adverse events are one of the leading cause of morbidity and mortality so safety reporting helps in:

  • Learning more about the safety profile and quality of a drug in general population.
  • Ensuring safer use of medicines as a moral and professional obligation.
  • Improving prescriber and patient confidence on products.
  • Providing and updating information for prescriber for better use of medicines.
Why should you report adverse event to SAMI Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) Ltd.?

We know that every drug is marketed after rigorous clinical research that outweighs its benefits over risks. But data about drug safety is still limited due to limited numbers of patients & population type studied in clinical trials. Overall safety of products is yet to establish once it comes in the market for use in large and diversified patient population. Continuous monitoring of drug safety allows to identify emergence of unknown or unexpected effects or sometime benefits of drugs. Therefore, it is vital to evaluate and monitor safety of medicines in clinical use to prevent and reduce harm to patients thereby contributing to public health.

What Drug Safety at SAMI will do with your report?

By reporting adverse event/s for SAMI Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) Ltd. product, you are giving us important feedback which will ultimately help us to take appropriate actions and to provide better instructions on how to use our products.

Your information will also enable SAMI Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) Ltd. to fulfill our moral, ethical and legal responsibilities towards mankind and health authorities.

What should I do if I think I may have experienced an adverse event?

If you are concerned that you have had a suspected adverse event to a medicine, you may need to contact your healthcare professional who can advise on any treatment that may be needed. They can also report the issue to SAMI Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) Ltd.

Who can report to us?

Anyone can report issues relating to the safety of SAMI Products to SAMI Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) Ltd. This includes patients, care takers, other members of the public and healthcare professionals.

How do I report an adverse event?

You can report a suspected adverse event in a number of ways:

    • Reporting to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse who can then notify to SAMI Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) Ltd.
    • Directly reporting to National Pharmacovigilance Center (NPC), Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP)
    • You may report to SAMI Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) Ltd. by using below different methods:

Disclaimer: We receive suspected adverse events for our products only.

What minimum information should I report to SAMI Drug Safety?

To help us process your information quickly and effectively, please remember to report as much relevant information as possible of the following:

  • Suspected drug (name of the SAMI product involved, its dose, duration of treatment, disease for which product was prescribed by doctor, is therapy ongoing or information about any other products you have taken around the same time and other relevant details)
  • Description of adverse event (description of the suspected adverse event itself, such as the signs and symptoms experienced, date the suspected adverse event started and their results/effects)
  • Reporting person identifiable details (contact information of the reporter like name, telephone number, email address, specifically of the person who is reporting the issue)
  • Patient who experiences the possible adverse event (initials of the person and/or other identifiers, such as gender, date of birth etc.)
When do I need to report an adverse event/s?

You need to report safety information immediately or within 24 hours of becoming aware of event.

What types of adverse events (AEs) should I report?

You should report any adverse event that happens after taking a SAMI product, even if you have doubt about the medicine and event relationship. All serious and non-serious adverse events must be reported. These include but not limited to:

  • Fatal i.e. results in death
  • Life threatening
  • Requires in-patient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization
  • Results in persistent or significant disability / incapacity
  • Leads to a congenital anomaly / birth defect
  • Important medical events which may jeopardize patient or may require intervention to prevent one or the other outcomes.
  • Pregnancy reports (Maternal pregnancy and partner pregnancy)
  • Safety information of infants due to exposure via breastfeeding
  • Inappropriate use of medicine (e.g. abuse, misuse, medication error, off-label use)
  • Overdose
  • Lack of effect
  • Occupational exposure
  • Drug interactions
  • Medical device incident
  • Unexpected benefits
  • Counterfeit or falsified medicines
  • Transmission of infectious agents via the product

SAMI Drug Safety Reporting Form

For safety reporting, you may download our drug safety reporting form and email or post us on given contact.

All personal information related to the reporting of adverse events is processed in accordance with the data protection legislation. Please learn more using the FAQs on Drug Safety for making effective reporting of adverse event.

Contact Us

Your valuable inputs would enable us to ensure our patients wellbeing!

To report possible adverse event/s related to any SAMI products, you may report on SAMI Drug Safety Reporting Form or alternatively you can email or call our Drug Safety Department on contact details provided below:

+92-(0)21-34383400 (Office hours and out of office hours)

+92-(0)3088367416 (24/7 Operations)

SAMI Pharmaceuticals (Pvt.) Ltd. 34-C, Block-6, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi-75350 Pakistan

Disclaimer: We receive suspected adverse events for our products only.